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Five Bridges to Higher Words, Syllable Power is the main component of STRIPSS, STReamlined Intensive Phonics for Secondary Students.


Since 1986, I have consistently found that about eighty percent of the students struggling to decode words at the secondary level know their phonics but cannot use it because they perceive multisyllabic words as strings of letters.

-Georgia Howard

Five Bridges uses syllabication as a decoding intervention, seamlessly covering basic phonic and morphemic elements within the syllabication lessons.

This program goes beyond “classroom-tested.”  It has evolved through twenty plus years of meeting the needs of students and teachers in diverse and numerous reading classrooms at the middle and high school levels, as an intervention teacher, a reading coach, and a mentor to intervention teachers.  All of the following essentials for effectiveness are built into this program.

To be effective at any level, a reading intervention program in word decoding must be explicit, carefully sequenced, and multisensory..

To be effective at the secondary level, a phonics program must  (1) demonstrate to students recognition and appreciation of their reading strengths while working on their reading weaknesses,  (2) include a buy-in for each phonics topic, a discussion or task that shows students what they will gain from these specific lessons and why these lessons will be effective in contrast to their many previous years of phonics lessons, and  (3) move at a streamlined pace into grade-level text.

In Five Bridges, a buy-in is presented for each syllable rule and phonics topic.  In the very first lesson the students experience success in reading the second longest word in the English language, just by breaking it into syllables.  Their enthusiasm in reading this word sets a sense of excitement that is felt by both students and teachers.

Five Bridges is a full-year program.  However, throughout the year, only 17 full periods and 26 partial periods need to be planned for the program. Reinforcement and application of the syllabication rules occurs within everyday contextual reading; time for comprehension and vocabulary development is well accommodated.

Students are groomed for successful independent interaction with higher-level text.  Lessons utilize a strategy for metacognition. Students are led to consistently reflect on their use of the syllabication process as they write the rule number for each syllable break.

Five Bridges has been constructed to adapt to the range of needs in the secondary classroom.  Each phonic element is covered from basic introduction to high school level application.  Strategies for more able and less able students are included throughout the pages. The whole class can be engaged in meaningful, growth-effecting multisyllabic word tasks while the needs of the less able students are unobtrusively met.

Five Bridges has both a fully scripted Teacher's Guide and a CD of fully scripted PowerPoint presentations. The Student Booklet is used with either choice of lesson mode.  The Timing Blueprint for Lessons, which is included, references each day's lesson to the pages in the Teacher's Guide, the specific PowerPoint slides, and the pages in the Student Booklet.

High Powered Phonics, Word Structure

High Powered Phonics, Word Structure

High Powered Phonics, which is used with students who have completed Five Bridges to Higher Words, uses the decoding strategy of structural analysis to develop word decoding from middle school to college level. HP Phonics fosters the application of the five syllable rules with the visual patterning of multiple prefixes and suffixes.

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The Power of Three, Multisensory Phonics

The Power of Three, Multisensory Phonics

The Power of Three uses integrated visual-auditory-kinesthetic strategies and covers the entire phonic scope, with a perspective especially designed for the secondary student still weak in the basic development of phonics. The Power of Three includes a multisensory spelling intervention.

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Flash Power, Photographic Phonics

Flash Power, Photographic Phonics

Flash Power uses flashcard strategies, in the teacher's choice of PowerPoint presentations or flashcards, to further develop the visual-auditory aspects of long and short vowels, final e, the open-closed syllable, and hard-soft c and g, for secondary students still weak in the basic development of phonics. Flash Power is especially applicable to the cooperative-group game format.

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About US

Through our workshops and presentations at reading conferences, these materials have been successfully and enthusiastically used by teachers in Volusia County, and other areas of Florida, for more than ten years. The Howard Reading Service was established in 2007 as a vehicle for sharing our work more widely.

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Contact us for information on:

  • -Workshops for Teachers
  • -Modeling of Lessons Right in Your Classroom
  • -Questions, Comments
  • Requests for Assistance in:
    1.  1. Tailoring Lessons to Your Students and Class Schedule
    2.  2. Modifying Lessons for Your Students
    3.  3. Additional Scaffolding Strategies
    4.  4. Additional Multisensory Strategies
    5.  5. Additional Reinforcement Lessons

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Copyright © Howard Reading Service Inc.